>500 FTEs
HR Tech Stack
Laverana GmbH & Co. KG, founded in 1987 is a German company based in Hannover. It specializes in certified natural cosmetics produced within a closed competence and value chain. The company sells its products internationally.
Business model: Selling certified natural cosmetics
Biggest departments: Bottling, Production and Logistics
People team size: 6 FTEs
Planning details: 40+ hiring managers that have to track on a monthly basis whether they are over or under budget regarding their workforce
Yearly hiring rate: ±25%
Given the general issue of high fluctuation in the industry, lavera meticulously reviews their forecasts and assesses their workforce spending at every point in time. It is crucial for them to be in touch with all managers to know how team compositions change in comparison to the budget.
Before lavera started using Cartha, they faced a variety of challenges:
Budget managers did not have accurate data to evaluate budget comparisons
Preparing the monthly workforce reporting was a manual and time consuming effort
Tracking planned positions and syncing them with replacements and new joiners led to inaccuracies in Excel
Sarah: “Keeping everyone informed about the workforce development was an organisational Herculean task”
After the decision, it took less than 5 days to transfer the whole process into Cartha, incl. setting up lavera’s organisational dimensions, integrating Personio and uploading the budget as a benchmark.
Through Cartha’s invitation process, Sarah decides who can see which specific dimensions and cost information.